Deer Class
Class teacher’s welcome
Welcome to our Year 6 page for Deer class! We are very excited for the year ahead in Year 6 and have lots of exciting lessons and experiences to look forward to. As parents/carers, you play a vital role in supporting your child’s journey through Year 6. This year is an important milestone for your child’s education, as it marks their final year in primary school before transitioning to secondary school. We hope that you will find this class page useful in supporting your child through this journey.
Curriculum news
At a glance – Autumn 2
Maths – Fractions (adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying), Converting units (metric and imperial measures) and Ratio.
English – We are keeping our books for this half term top secret at the moment, but we will be focusing on a World War 2 theme during Autumn 2.
Computing – Web-page design.
Religious Education – How do Sikhs show their commitment?
PSHE – Valuing differences.
DT – Textiles.
Music – Shape rhythms and learning to play the Ukulele.
Geography – From the Lake District to the Rockies, researching geographical features.
Science – Electricity. Children will learn to describe and recognise parts of an electrical circuit and apply knowledge of conductors and insulators.
At All Saints’ Primary School, we follow the Read, Write Inc. spelling scheme in Key Stage 2. Children should be encouraged to recognise spelling patterns and apply their learning in everyday life.
Autumn 1 has focused on the use of suffixes and when children should swap, double or drop the letters before adding a suffix.
Year 6 are also encouraged to learn the year 5/6 statutory spelling words (link to document here).
During Autumn 2 we will be continuing to look at the year 5/6 statutory spelling words alongside:
The sh sound spelt ti or ci (i.e direction, explanation, competition, cautious, delicious)
The sh sound spelt si or ssi (i.e expansion, comprehension, permission, admission, profession)
Home learning recommendations
Reading: daily practice with your children
Arithmetic: times table and division facts practice
All children are encouraged to complete a home learning project to build on their classroom knowledge.
Optional projects:
- World War 2 research project – What can you find out?
- Take a hike! Head out into the great outdoors and tackle one of our English mountains!
- Sewing practice – make your own creations to show the class.
- Historical Society Competition – the children have been told about this – copy of the letter, here
How parents/carers could help
- Read with your child on a regular basis
- Encourage positive routines
- Support with home learning projects
- Develop independence and organisation
- Help to expand your child’s vocabulary within everyday conversation
Dates for the diary
PE days: Thursday (Mr Megson), Friday (Miss Jeffery)
Autumn 1: York Chocolate Story – Friday 11th October 2024
Autumn 2: Bike ability – Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th November
Spring 1: Deer class collective worship – Tuesday 21st January 2025
Spring 2: Easter service (children only)
Summer 1: Year 6 SATs Monday 12th May – Thursday 15th May 2025
SATs completion celebration day – Friday 16th May 2025
Brownlee Triathlon – date TBC
Summer 2: Residential -Monday 7th July – Wednesday 9th July 2025
End of year production – Thursday 3rd July 2025 (2:00pm and 6:30pm)
Leavers service at Church – Thursday 17th July 2025
Further dates to be added throughout the year.
Links to support learning
Please encourage your child to read daily for a minimum of 20 minutes. At least 3 reading sessions per week should be recorded in the school Reading Record. Children should all have a school reading book (that can be changed regularly) but should be encouraged to read other material as well.
Read more about English in Y6 in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study
Times Table Rock Stars (children will have their login details and can access this through RM unify) – Children should be practicing recall speed of all times tables.
Read more about maths in Y6 in the National Curriculum Programmes of Study
Just for fun!