
Why is attendance at school important?

The School aims to achieve and maintain a minimum school attendance of 96%.

Reporting your child’s absence

If your child is too unwell to come to school, please leave a message on the absence line before 9am, stating your child’s full name and class and the specific reason for their absence, including a description of their symptoms. The NHS has some useful guidance to help you decide whether your child can safely attend school. 

As part of our safeguarding duties, we are required to follow up on any child who is absent from school. Therefore, even if your child has already been off school the previous day, please leave a message each day that they are absent, giving us a brief update and an indication of when your child is likely to return to school.

Routine medical, dental and optician appointments

Routine medical, dental and opticians appointments should be planned outside of the school day. Where this is unavoidable, please send details of the time of collection and return to school to the school office email. Please attach a copy of the confirmation letter to the email.  

Leave of absence requests

If you wish to apply for a leave of absence, please complete a Leave of Absence form and return it to the office at least two weeks before you intend to take the leave. Leave of absences will not be authorised except in exceptional circumstances. Where a leave of absence is declined, we will follow the procedures set out in the Attendance Policy in line with the requirements of Bradford Local Authority. This may result in a penalty notice or prosecution.